Is your child struggling? We are here to help.

Our service is available nationally for young people aged 8 to 21. Please watch the short film below to find out how it works.

If you would like to refer a young person for support, click on the button below to answer some questions. If eligible, you will then be sent a link to book an appointment with our mental health assessment team. This appointment is an informal chat on Zoom to explain the service to your young person. If they are happy to start counselling, we can continue the call to get them signed up. We will ask your young person a few questions about how they are feeling and what brings them to us. This is so we can assign them to a counsellor who understands their needs.

Appointments are made available every Monday morning for the following 2 weeks ahead. So, if you see no availability, check back on the following Monday.

If you have a question, please contact

Book an appointment here

How does the counselling work and who will my child be speaking to?

You make an appointment for your young person with our in-take team on our website. A counsellor will contact you and your young person within 5 days after the assessment call to arrange the first session. Your young person will be allocated 6 sessions to begin with. They will last 50 minutes and your young person will speak to the same counsellor every week. All sessions take place virtually either on the phone or via videocall.

If your young person is struggling in between their counselling sessions, they can access our ‘wellbeing drop-in’ sessions, which are available Monday – Thursday 9am-7pm or on Fridays 9am-5pm. These are short 30 minute calls with the on call counsellor.

We also have a 24/7 text support service. Your young person simply needs to text Breathe to 85258 to message a trained volunteer.

Our counsellors are all committed and passionate about supporting children and young people, whatever they are going through.

I just needed someone to listen to me and my counsellor lent me her ears. I didn’t feel alone anymore, I felt heard and more confident. She helped me when I couldn’t even get out of bed and I really think she saved my life.”


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